Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Slide Into Perspective

In the process of getting all these photos up, I decided to use a slide show mechanism instead. This would help eliminate a long stack a photos, which just looks messy, and create a more professional and cleaned up look. I used a free site called imageloop that I learned of from my ecmp class. (Thanks Dean!) In total I have 11 photos, I'm only missing one, the reason being this person never accepted my friend request on facebook, in order to gather info and images of them. The other being John not getting a photo of them for me. But much like what Denise (you) told me, "It's out of your hands." That was something I couldn't control and so in the end, it was their loss.
This project is not over to say the least. I'm still not completely happy with every drawing, so I would like to continue on improving that. Also, they're not printed out to the public yet, and probably wont be until next semester. This really saddens me and disappoints me cause I was really hoping in having it out in time for the last issue, but it's out of my control. Hopefully they use the drawings in one way or another.
This project wasn't a completed waste, I had fun, and allowed me work on my creative side again. I got to meet some fantastic people I probably wouldn't have met otherwise, and got positive and negative feedback from people. (The negative was mainly that I was being generous to certain "character attributes".) I learned about myself as an artist, how I need to be patient, and understand that there are things we can't always control. I have to realize this as a teacher that students in certain circumstances may not always have things work out for them, especially as an artist. My work as a teacher will have to be supportive role in their process, provide them with the tools, and allow for flexibility. I just have to simply remind myself of this scenario I just had.
Here's the list of people in the order that's shown:
James Brotheridge, John Cameron, Graeme Zirk, Austin Davis, Stephanie Campbell, Cassidy McFadzen, Taylor Bendig, Peter Mills, Alex Fox, Adam Young, Iryn Tushabe

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow